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Ban/Unban BiggyBossB

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Ban/Unban BiggyBossB Empty Ban/Unban BiggyBossB

Post  BiggyBossB June 9th 2013, 16:54

My english is very bad, srry

In-Game name: BiggyBossB
Banned by: MikedeKokkie
Time of Ban: 09-06-2013
Reason: X-Ray

I now, i'm not right to do this, but this was the only time i did that. I was wrong, i know. i never do that again...
i swear i dind't do that any other time...,

maybe what Evidence if you believe me:


If this is not enough to unban me, just PM, I will say more. I will be active on the forum, i gonna help everyone i can, but bicause i'm new, i don't now anything.

From BiggyBossB

Aantal berichten : 2
Registratiedatum : 2013-06-09
Leeftijd : 27
Woonplaats : Brabant

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Ban/Unban BiggyBossB Empty Re: Ban/Unban BiggyBossB

Post  Ferocanus June 10th 2013, 15:57

Dear BiggyBossB,

You have violated the rules, that much is clear. You even admit having violated the rules.
When you are online at the server you also agree to the rules and we assume you have read them.

Also, the evidence provided by you is very vague and easy to falsify.
Words are hard to rely on, since what you wrote is also very vague and not something I dare rely on.
But on the other hand, you took the time to write a ban appeal, which most cheaters don't.

If either provided better evidence or a well written plea, I'd be willing to reverse the judgement cast upon you, but untill then you are still banned.


P.s. It would help you a lot if you introduced yourself on the forum.

Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2013-03-10
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : The Netherlands

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