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Staff application

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Staff application  Empty Staff application

Post  Dogman414 March 14th 2015, 22:23

Hello this is Dogman414 and i am applying for staff
I believe that I would be a great candidate for staff for a bunch of reasons. First of all i am very nice and will welcome new comers to the fullest extent giving them a better first impression for the server and making our chances higher of getting more people to join mikes realm. I am very responsible and will get every thing finished that i am asked to do. I will help out the server with whatever i am asked and will do it correctly. I am also very active in chat so I can answer questions that other staff or players may have. I also know all of the staff already so I can be more personal with them and we can get to know each other better. I don't know how long but i am pretty sure i played pretty long on the server already. And my time on this server will go even higher if i am granted staff. I will benefit this server greatly and will make sure I do my job as soon as i can. I will also be very active make sue the server is always running smoothly. I just want to say thanks for reading this and i will not be mad if i do not get the role. Thanks again, Jacob- Dogman414


Aantal berichten : 2
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-07

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Staff application  Empty Re: Staff application

Post  Ferocanus March 20th 2015, 16:53

Hello Jacob,

First of all, apologies for the late reply.

There are several things that determine that this application will be denied.
For starters, your application does not comply with the set standard, try having a look at the example application.
But most of all, your application is really vague, there is no information to be gained from it that can convince us to give you any staff rank. Please use examples of your work on the server that make you stand out from the rest.

Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2013-03-10
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : The Netherlands

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Staff application  Empty Re: Staff application

Post  Ferenz123 March 21st 2015, 18:12

I'm afraid i will have to deny this application because of two reasons:

1: You didn't use the application template (example)
2: You are really vagae as Ferocanus allready said.

Hope you will still have fun on the server though!

Aantal berichten : 6
Registratiedatum : 2012-10-29
Leeftijd : 24
Woonplaats : Belgiƫ Berlaar

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Staff application  Empty Re: Staff application

Post  Mrgames28 March 21st 2015, 18:13

Sorry but no. Your staff application is not what we asked for. If your do it like this [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and play a few time longer on the server between 2-3 months than your have more change.

Aantal berichten : 4
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-14
Leeftijd : 24
Woonplaats : Assendelft

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