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Cakepig Inc.

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Cakepig Inc. Empty Cakepig Inc.

Post  Cakepig01 June 13th 2015, 03:28

Cakepig Inc.

-The new Research/Factory-

  Cakeping Inc. Is the new Research/Factory. Facility A is the oldest Powerplant. It is where the first cake was made and where cakepig01 was born. Facility B is the new research facility. Facility C will be our main Cake factory. The Super-yachts that will be in the ocean will have a research lab and small cake factory. Our C-Energy Power plants will be operational in 2 weeks. Soon we will control 47% of the worlds energy. We control their energy, we control them.

---Cakepig Inc.---


Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-09

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