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How to make an Application

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How to make an Application Empty How to make an Application

Post  MikedeKokkie September 18th 2012, 11:13

Good day everyone.
So you want me to show how to get those high ranks? Here you are!

First of all, to apply for a certain rank, you have to be the rank 1 below it.
Order of ranks:.

Trial Moderator (You will then be moved to either Moderator or back to Member after some time)
Trial Admin (You will then be moved to either Admin or back to Moderator after some time)

Also, don't expect this to be easy. You have to really show your motivation to us to pass, and that is very difficult.
(We're not insisting you should Donate, but it does really show your motivation).

vvv Copy this Empty Application vvv


In-Game name:            
Real Name:                  
Rank to be applied for:

How long have you played Minecraft?

How and where did you first know of Mike's Realms?

How long have you played on Mike's Realms?

What have you achieved in the Survival Realms so far?

How many great things have you made in Creative?

How many Admins and Mods Approve of your promotion?

Please explain as much as you can about the server and how everything works.

Why do you want to apply for this staff rank?

Reasons why you should be accepted:

How many hours per week would you be able to dedicate towards moderation?

What skills do you possess that make you stand out?

Do you swear to help the members of Mike's Realms to your fullest?

Do you swear to be polite in chat and respectful to other members at all times?

Do you swear to be fair in your moderation?

Do you swear not to take abuse of the powers that will be given to you as a public servant of the realms?


If you wrote an Application, be sure to make a new Topic about it with your name and the rank you apply for.
You can't post it as a reply to this topic, it will be declined!

And that's it! The Admins will read it all and vote for your Promotion.
Of course, other people can comment with good luck on your topic.
Other than that, Good luck!

Your Host and Friend,


Last edited by MikedeKokkie on March 21st 2015, 18:26; edited 11 times in total

Aantal berichten : 167
Registratiedatum : 2011-11-15
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : Lelystad

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How to make an Application Empty Re: How to make an Application

Post  rogerjaxx November 4th 2012, 19:43

hi mike


Aantal berichten : 2
Registratiedatum : 2012-10-30

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How to make an Application Empty Re: How to make an Application

Post  MikedeKokkie November 5th 2012, 17:44

rogerjaxx wrote:hi mike


Aantal berichten : 167
Registratiedatum : 2011-11-15
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : Lelystad

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How to make an Application Empty Re: How to make an Application

Post  een_koekjes_eter November 12th 2012, 20:04

Mikedekokkie wrote:
mike hoe kan ik wat intypen?????


Aantal berichten : 1
Registratiedatum : 2012-11-12

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How to make an Application Empty Re: How to make an Application

Post  MikedeKokkie November 12th 2012, 21:28

een_koekjes_eter wrote:
Mikedekokkie wrote:
mike hoe kan ik wat intypen?????

Kopieër alle tekst en druk boven het bericht op "Nieuwe Topic" of "New Topic" om een nieuw bericht te maken.

Aantal berichten : 167
Registratiedatum : 2011-11-15
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : Lelystad

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