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Cakepig01's application!

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Cakepig01's application!

Post  Cakepig01 May 4th 2015, 01:06

In-Game name:     Cakepig01      
Real Name:     Jacob Pehrson            
Age:     14                      
Country:         america            
Rank to be applied for:
How long have you played Minecraft?
about 4 years!

How and where did you first know of Mike's Realms?
On the internet, I cant remember where.

How long have you played on Mike's Realms?
a couple months

What have you achieved in the Survival Realms so far?
I made a modern house. I made a mine, i have some gold. I have a path to the admin town

How many great things have you made in Creative?
I have made: A mini castle, 4 floating islands, 2 ponds with custom trees i designed. 3 medieval houses. 7 castle towers, 1 clock tower, 2 hills with scenery. 3 modern houses.

How many Admins and Mods Approve of your promotion?
I dont know, I just posted this.

Please explain as much as you can about the server and how everything works.
Well, you join the server in a dungeon. When you are in the dungeon you cant speak. After you are finished you get to the airship then to Volantis then you can speak! There you can go to different realms, Survival,Creative and dungeon realm! At first you are a guest then you become a member by coming on this site and saying hi to everyone! Then if you want to apply for something you go the thing I am at right now.

Why do you want to apply for this staff rank?
Because I love building, I have some friend on the server, I am good with people. I want this server to become famous!

Reasons why you should be accepted:
I am a good builder, I am great with people! I am a youtuber!

How many hours per week would you be able to dedicate towards moderation?
most of the week! I am home schooled so I can come on this server a lot!

What skills do you possess that make you stand out?
My building skills

Do you swear to help the members of Mike's Realms to your fullest?
I swear!

Do you swear to be polite in chat and respectful to other members at all times?
I swear Very Happy

Do you swear to be fair in your moderation?
yes! i swear!

Do you swear not to take abuse of the powers that will be given to you as a public servant of the realms?
yes! I swear!


Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-09

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Re: Cakepig01's application!

Post  Ferenz123 May 5th 2015, 19:26

I approve of your application Because of these reasons:

- I have played with you quite a lot of time.
skyped with you and now i pretty much know you and what kind of a person you are, And to be honest: You are a Very kind and Funny Person That loves to dance

- I also know that the favorite thing you do in Minecraft is Building.
Even if you're not building on InsaneRealms. You play Minigames that involve Building.

- I am almost Completely Sure you won't abuse any of your Worldedit Powers.

- And i think you will be a Great Add-on To the Server Community.




Aantal berichten : 6
Registratiedatum : 2012-10-29
Leeftijd : 24
Woonplaats : België Berlaar

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Thanks ferbelgaming!!!!

Post  Cakepig01 May 5th 2015, 19:54

Thank you sooo much!!!! Very Happy I will absolutely do my very best to make this server one of the best servers! Very Happy You are a great friend/pen pal!


Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-09

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Re: Cakepig01's application!

Post  Mrgames28 May 6th 2015, 20:32

You have made a great application and you're a great builder.

I guess you ready to earn the builder rank for the server

The reasons why i accept you.

You're a very friendly person and can help a lot of new players on the server.
I think you won't abuse your Worldedit comments
And the great application you've made.

~Greetings Romano (Mrgames28)

Aantal berichten : 4
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-14
Leeftijd : 24
Woonplaats : Assendelft

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Re: Cakepig01's application!

Post  Cakepig01 May 6th 2015, 22:23

Thank you sooo much!!!! I will not dissapoint you Very Happy


Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-09

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Cakepig01's application! Empty What is my answer?

Post  KiramaruTerada May 8th 2015, 22:20

Hello, CakePig,

I have been thinking about it quite a while and have come to following results:

- You are a very good builder. Every time I look at my own stuff and then to yours it seems to be so much more and better than mine. And I am not even kidding! You put every single detail into it and that makes it so awesome even when the buildings are pretty small sometimes (Hope we will see more of bigger buildings someday as well Smile )

- You are a very kind person. I have only spoken to you once but you have an honest tone in your voice. Added to that you are funny and open for new insider jokes.

As a builder you will carry responsibility for the server as well.

I am agreeing with this application and will welcome you in our community.
But don't disappoint us.


Aantal berichten : 3
Registratiedatum : 2013-06-09
Leeftijd : 26
Woonplaats : Germany

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Re: Cakepig01's application!

Post  Cakepig01 May 8th 2015, 22:33

Thank you soooo much Kira!!! Very Happy I will not dissapoint you, or anyone!!! Very Happy


Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-09

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Re: Cakepig01's application!

Post  MikedeKokkie May 8th 2015, 22:39

And lastly, I share the opinion of all the staff members that support you.
Congratulations, Cakepig. You are hereby promoted to Builder! jocolor
You are now allowed to use worldedit in the Creative realms only, this includes the Skins and Pixel Art Realms as well. I'll also add you to most Creative regions as well for moderation / anti-griefing.


Aantal berichten : 167
Registratiedatum : 2011-11-15
Leeftijd : 28
Woonplaats : Lelystad

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Re: Cakepig01's application!

Post  Cakepig01 May 8th 2015, 23:03

This is to all of the staff.

I came to this server not knowing I will achieve greatness, while I have been on this server I have met awesome, wonderful, amazing friends!!! I love to build and I will always be there for your guys! Very Happy You guys are awesome!


Aantal berichten : 12
Registratiedatum : 2015-03-09

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Cakepig01's application! Empty Re: Cakepig01's application!

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